Monday, March 2, 2009

Basketball Gage

Gage was on a city Basketball team this year and he had a lot of fun. He had a game every Saturday for 8 weeks. Gage seems to always get put on the team that doesn't have a great attendance :) Well I guess that means he gets to play more when nobody shows up. He did really good and became a great ball player and team-mate as well. Gage is very compassionate to others and never gets mad when they don't win. He has the best sportsmanship I have ever seen, it is something that is rare for being only 11. Here are a few photos of his games.

Gage was on a city Basketball team this year and he had a lot of fun. He had a game every Saturday for 8 weeks. Gage seems to always get put on the team that doesn't have a great attendance :) Well I guess that means he gets to play more when nobody shows up. He did really good and became a great ball player and team-mate as well. Gage is very compassionate to others and never gets mad when they don't win. He has the best sportsmanship I have ever seen, it is something that is rare for being only 11. Here are a few photos of his games. Good job Gage and we are all very proud of you!!!


About us said...

I didn't know that he played basketball. Sorry I missed your games Gage!

Melissa said...

I honestly can't believe how big and handsome your boys have got. They are so dang cute!

Day by Day Design said...

Brittney, I am so glad you guys are doing well!! Your boys are getting so big. You wouldnt believe how BIG Titan is getting!!! He is so much fun! We just love him to pieces! Thank you again for allowing us to take him from you!! I will have to post some pictures of him on our blog so you can see how big he is! GIve Molly some loves for us!

Amber and Trent said...

Your boys are adorable!! Yea for Gage on being such a good sport, it's hard.