Monday, March 2, 2009

Basketball Gage

Gage was on a city Basketball team this year and he had a lot of fun. He had a game every Saturday for 8 weeks. Gage seems to always get put on the team that doesn't have a great attendance :) Well I guess that means he gets to play more when nobody shows up. He did really good and became a great ball player and team-mate as well. Gage is very compassionate to others and never gets mad when they don't win. He has the best sportsmanship I have ever seen, it is something that is rare for being only 11. Here are a few photos of his games.

Gage was on a city Basketball team this year and he had a lot of fun. He had a game every Saturday for 8 weeks. Gage seems to always get put on the team that doesn't have a great attendance :) Well I guess that means he gets to play more when nobody shows up. He did really good and became a great ball player and team-mate as well. Gage is very compassionate to others and never gets mad when they don't win. He has the best sportsmanship I have ever seen, it is something that is rare for being only 11. Here are a few photos of his games. Good job Gage and we are all very proud of you!!!

Sleding with friends

On Sunday March 1 we went up to Sara's cabin and went sledding.....It was so much fun. We rode the four wheelers in and played for hours. We had lunch (Chili not Wise when you have to ride home with three stinky boy's). Becca brought her cocomotion that makes hot chocolate and it was awesome. I will be asking for one of those :) She made us adults a yummy Chai and we sat in the sun and relaxed. Matt was a poligamist for a day but with three great sister wives I did not hear any complaining!! The kids had so much fun and got along so well, not any arguing at all. It was such a great day and the sun felt so good. Everyone got a bit of sun and it softened the snow so it made it a bit hard to get out. Matt was the hero and got us all out okay. We where stuffed with stuff on the way back and I had to be pulled behind the wheeler on a tube. The snow was so soft that if we stopped we would get stuck again so Matt said I should ride "just in case". I was freaked out but being the mom I am jumped on and we where off. I did pretty good until Matt ran over a bush and I was tossed into the air and then landed right on my butt and tipped over onto my face. I was laughing so hard I felt no pain, Matt had tears and said we could have one a lot of money of we had been recording. Gage was scared for me the whole time and thought I was going to slide off of the road and down the cliff (could have happened it was pretty scary). We got back all on one piece and had such a great time with such great friends. Here are a few pictures of our day.